Hello. My name is Megan, and I’m a recovering perfectionist.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve suffered “analysis paralysis” more times than you can count. It explains why I’m such a terrible texter. I get a message, and if I can’t respond perfectly at that moment—that is to say, with the cosmic-sized depth and meaning the person deserves—I set it aside, promising myself I’ll come back to it, then forget to respond entirely. In high school I hated timed essays because I was frequently stuck in “editor mode”; I’d spend most of the hour thinking of what to say, questioning it, then thinking of something better to say, then questioning myself again—rinse and repeat until, with only minutes left to finish, I’d find myself rushing to fill the page and praying to God I had written something of value.

In recent years, I’ve tried to approach life with a “draft mode” mindset, giving myself permission to create freely, to be clunky and messy and improve as I go. After all, you can’t edit something that doesn’t exist.

Randy Gist (my guest on Sing, Coach, Conduct Season 1:Episode 4) has a great video on not judging your work during the creative process. Click on the link below to check it out!


Maybe I should go respond to those texts now



We Know Better. Now It’s Time to Do Better.